Xianduan Precision Ltd.
Cooperating with Well-known Companies
Xianduan Precision provides precision metal-stamped dyes and parts, machined parts, and plastic injection parts. With our high quality products, renowned clients source from us such as NEC, TE, Emerson, TDK and Toyota.

Large Production Capacity to Complete Your Needs
We operate three IATF 16949: 2016- and ISO 14001-certified factories that cover a total of 29,000 square meters. Our factories are equipped with house stamping, machining, heat treatment, plating, cleaning and assembly equipment from Japan. Each month, we produce 70 precision molds, 80 million metal stamped parts and 100 million shaft parts.

Using Equipment from Japan to Ensure High Quality Products
We source raw materials such as stainless steel, brass, aluminum, cupronickel alloy and carbon steel from more than 10 suppliers that have already been working with us for over 10 years. Our 50 QC members use instruments from Japan to conduct strict inspections.

Get Orders within Two Weeks
We not only satisfy volume demands, but also accept any volume orders. Our delivery lead time is within two weeks. For more information, inquire today.